Wild Sheep offers consulting services for producers and businesses looking to expand their reach into new global markets. With a proven track record in selling as an independent producer and over a decade in-house running international content at Netflix, Erik Barmack has a deep understanding of the global content landscape, streaming strategy, and international production. Erik shaped today’s international TV business and is largely responsible for the streamers’ current international growth strategy. 

With projects and contacts all over the globe, we can help you understand global media trends and develop a business strategy to succeed in multiple markets. We have a track record of not only responding to trends, but predicting them, and orienting strategies around where the industry is heading. 

These days, few entertainment companies can survive without expanding outside their home country. As international streaming is evolving incredibly rapidly, we can be your guide in this competitive business.

We offer individual consulting calls, long-term engagements, and project-by-project services.

Please email consulting@wildsheepcontent.com for rates, scheduling, and more information.