Wild Sheep Content, the high-flying L.A.-based production-distribution house of former Netflix international chief Erik Barmack, is teaming with International Emmy winner Hernán Caffiero on “Raza Brava,” a fiction series described as diving into the dark underworld of the barra brava – a ferocious fan gang – of Colo-Colo, Chile’s most popular football team.
Like A Dragon: Yakuza is a remix, blending the original 2005 game and its prequel title, Yakuza 0 (2015), that paves its own way while maintaining the endearingly silly heart of the game.
Internationally celebrated Icelandic actors Ólafur Darri Ólafsson and Hera Hilmar are set to star in “Reykjavik Fusion,” an Iceland-set crime thriller series that is rapidly racking up pre-sales in multiple territories.